Nicely flamed and Professionally set-up in my shop with the highest quality fittings including French bridge, ebony fingerboard and pegs and a fully adjusted/expertly fitted soundpost for optiminal tone. Upgraded with Larsen C and G and Spirocore D and A strings most preferred by teachers at no extra cost. Available in 4/4, 7/8, 3/4 1/2 and 1/4 sizes. Stradivari and Montagnana patterns. Guaranteed lowest price. Please contact me for further details: [email protected] or (401) 647-4747
A more professional grade instrument at a very affordable price. Nicely carved select European tonewoods with much attention to detail. Highest quality ebony Fingerboard and pegs. Expertly fitted soundpost, a beautiful French bridge and the most desirable strings, Larsen C and G and Spirocore D and A. All expertly adjusted in my shop for maximum tone and playability. Available in 4/4 and 7/8 Stradivari and Guarneri patterns. Guaranteed lowest price. Please contact me for further details: [email protected] or (401) 647-4747
Older German cello labeled Mathias Thoma Serial no. 4859 Model no. 83 Made in 1969. A nearly 50 year old instrument in Exceptional original condition. Fully carved select spruce top and nicely flamed solid maple back. New set-up includes a French bridge, select soundpost, Helicore strings, Perfection mechanical pegs by Knilling and a German Wittner tailpiece. All expertly set-up and adjusted for maximum tone and playability. Comes with a new carbon fiber bow and nice case. perfect for an advanced or advancing player. Priced to sell at just $1450. Please contact me for further details at [email protected] or call 401-647-4747(SOLD)
Looking for very good cello at a very good price? I’m convinced this is the best “carved” cello on the market for the money and it sounds great too. The Oxford Cello has a very nice carved spruce top, flamed maple back and all ebony fittings. I personally remove the soundpost , bridge and pegs that were placed in the factory. All are carefully refit to the instrument and reset in my workshop for optimal tone a playability. Remarkable big full tone! Just $699..includes nice bow, case and rosin.
THOMAS ANGELINA CELLO Model VC 950 Beautifully carved select Spruce top and highly flammed Tiger Maple back, ribs and neck. Huge, full tone! Amazing instrument for somebody looking to move to the next level. My price just $3200. Please call for further details at (401) 647-4747 or email: [email protected]
Best Step up Cello outfit in New England! This Cello is expertly carved from the most select tone woods. Much attention to detail is given as these cellos are made to authentically replicate the most sought after instruments of the Italian masters. Choice straight grained spruce for the top and highly flamed tiger maple for the back, sides and neck and the best strings are combined to make for a stunning instrument. The tone is deep and full with great projection and plays very evenly. Set-up in my shop includes the most desirable strings. Expertly fitted bridge, peg fitting and placement of the sound post for optimal tone and playability. Comes with a very nice soft case, just $1499.
THOMAS ANGELINA model VC 850 is an extremely high quality cello for a very reasonable price. I’ve searched thru inventory from suppliers all over the country and overseas and have found these cellos to be the absolute best value for the money. They are each unique and very well made using Highly Flamed tiger Maple for the backs, sides and neck. The tops have the highest quality straight grained spruce with finely cut F holes and expertly applied chestnut brown varnish over a golden base. Set-up in my shop with a combination of Spirocore and Larsen Strings, quality bridge, expertly fitted soundpost and carbon fiber end pin for optimal tone. These cellos look and sound like a $4500 instrument. My special price, just $2850. Contact me at 401-647-4747 or [email protected]
THE “EURO” is one of the most affordable and best made european cellos on the market today. Made in Romania from select aged Carpathian maple and spruce. Superb European workmanship, careful graduation of both top and back and expertly applied German oil varnish for an antiqued finish. All professionally set-up in our shop for maximum playability and tone. This cello is available in all sizes 4/4 to 1/8. Available are the Euro Basic and the Euro Standard. Please call for the guaranteed lowest price.
The Calin Wultur cellos are designed to meet the needs of the intermediate to advanced player. Using highly flammed Carpathian maple and spruce that has been properly aged, Romanian luthiers have created these remarkable instruments that are unsurpassed in their beauty and tone. Expertly applied oil varnish and much attention to detail, makes each cello nicer than the next. These are a very affordable instrument and a big step up from any Chinese instrument in the same price range. The Calin Wultur is available in three levels 5, 6, and 7 determined by the quality of the wood selected. Available in 4/4 full size only. Please contact us for the availability and the absolute lowest price anywhere, Guaranteed!
Pictures left to right: Guarneri, Montagnana, Stradivari
Jan Szlachtowski Cellos
Beautifully carved by Master Luthier Jan Szlachtowski using only the finest aged woods and finest varnish. Much attention to detail. Authentic copies of the finest instruments by Stradivari, Amati, Goffriller, Guadagnini, Pietro Guarneri, Balestrieri, Ruggieri, Grancino and Montagnana. Available in 4/4 size only. Please contact us for availability and Guaranteed lowest price.
Old Full size Cello, probably German. Beautiful, fully restored condition. Exceptional,big, full, resonate tone. Stunning tiger maple back and ribs. New pegs, Jaeger strings except Larsen “A” , new bridge, soundpost, endpin. All highest quality accessories. No open seams or cracks. Comes with an appraisal/ sales agreement from Upton Bass, Mystic Conn. dated 2006 for $6000. Guaranteed to play trouble free for Life or repairs are FREE. SOLD
Upright bass 3/4 size. Made in West Germany c. 1945 Completely restored including neck reset, refitted corner and end blocks, soundpost, endpin, tailpiece and strap,Helicore strings and bridge. Expertly set up and adjusted for maximum tone and playability.SOLD
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